Zomorod Sanat Asia Company Stone Scanner

Zomorod Sanat Asia Company is one of the leading companies in the production and provision of stone scanner devices. These devices are designed for various applications in the stone and mining industries. Below is a general overview of the company's stone scanner device:


Applications of the Stone Scanner Device

Scanning and Identifying Cracks and Internal Defects: These devices are used to detect cracks, fissures, and other internal defects in stones. This feature helps manufacturers improve the quality of their products.

Precise Measurement of Stone Dimensions: These devices can measure the precise dimensions of stones, providing accurate information about the volume and size of the stone.

Analyzing the Texture and Structure of the Stone: Stone scanner devices can accurately analyze the internal texture and structure of stones, providing useful information about the composition and structure of the stone.

Key Features of the Stone Scanner Device

High Accuracy: The stone scanner devices from Zomorod Sanat Asia Company are designed with high accuracy to detect the precise internal details of stones.

Scanning Speed: These devices can scan quickly and provide results in the shortest possible time, helping to increase productivity in industrial processes.

User-Friendly Interface: The stone scanner devices feature a simple and user-friendly interface, making them easy to use for various operators.

Connectivity to Other Systems: These devices can connect to management systems and various software to easily transfer and analyze scanned data.

Advantages of Using the Stone Scanner Device

Increased Accuracy and Reduced Errors: Using stone scanner devices increases accuracy in detecting and evaluating stones, reducing the likelihood of errors.

Improved Product Quality: Accurate identification of defects and internal issues in stones allows manufacturers to take necessary actions to improve product quality.

Time and Cost Savings: With high scanning and analysis speed, the time and costs associated with production and quality control processes are reduced.


In conclusion, the stone scanner devices from Zomorod Sanat Asia Company, given their features and advantages, are essential tools for the stone and mining industries.